About Dawn

This is my author website, but there is a lot more going in my life than writing!

Hi there! I’m Dawn Stilwell. I am a business owner, an author and blogger, an artist, musician, a mom, a willing cat slave, coffee enthusiast, wife, weirdo, polite although not necessarily well behaved Canadian, and a lover of life!

I wasn’t always this way, though. Life has broken me a few times over the years, but I am proof that you can get past your past and go on to better things. And, if you dream big enough, maybe even great things! I write things here from time to time that are hopefully insightful and encouraging to others. I also post inspirational and smile worthy memes on my Facebook page almost everyday, if you’re into that sort of thing.

It took some work to get where I am today. And I share the things I’ve learned here on my blog as the mood hits me. Why would anyone listen to me? After all, opinions are like buttholes: everyone has one but no one really wants you to show it off. With that being said, I’m entering that stage of life where the school of hard knocks has actually paid off, and I have a few things I’d like to share here from time to time because I think they are important. Your opinion may differ, but hey, this is my website and I can say what I want! *grins*

You know something? It costs absolutely nothing to be a kind and decent human being. You can hold a door for someone, be polite when dealing with customer service staff, smile, say a few uplifting words. None of these cost a thing, and yet can actually make another person’s day. There are a lot of selfish, crappy people out there already. You don’t have to be one of them. You can choose to be a ray of light in a world that seems dark sometimes. You can choose to be part of the antidote against that. Seriously, it is only a matter of choice.

And one more thing before you click away. Unless you’ve been blessed with a sheltered and perfect life, I know you have gone through some bad nasty awful hellish things in this life. Maybe you still are. It doesn’t matter if the scars are on your body or your psyche, I know they are there. There’s something you need to understand so I’m going to tell you now. Dear one, you deserve healing. You deserve wholeness. You deserve to be able to put the past behind you and live your life with passion and joy. You are worth whatever it takes to find that path to healing, passion and joy. Whether it is time invested in developing that passion, healing to be had in the form of therapy to get past your past, medication to be taken to help you with your mental health issues, weight to be lost so that you regain your mobility and health: whatever you need to help you overcome that which holds you back, YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Yes, you. Amazing person that you are. You bring something to this world that no one else can. You matter. And you deserve to be happy and whole. So no more excuses. Talk back to those inner voices that make you feel helpless and inconsequential. Tell them they’re wrong! It’s OK to take the time and resources to do what you have to do to make yourself well and to make yourself happy. This kind of ‘selfishness’ is not only okay, it’s essential to being a healthy human being. So make the time and find a way, to get what you need to help you become the best version of yourself that you aspire to be!