Category: Reflections

The Golden Rule was God’s Idea, Remember?

The Golden Rule was God’s Idea, Remember?

I saw the above photo on Facebook today. It prompted me to reach out and write to a friend and her wife to let them know how they were a part of my decision to give up religious ministry, for all the right reasons. Let me tell you a little story…

I went to my high school reunion in 2010. I met a friend I hadn’t seen since high school and she introduced me to her wife. They were a lovely couple and I spent most of the reunion at the same table with them, having a really great time. I was then in the ministry; praise and worship leader at my church and also the treasurer for the local Aglow chapter. I was in the unique position to see many pastors and ministers when they weren’t ‘on’ for church, and some of the things I saw weren’t always endearing. I think it is because for some of them, they couldn’t let go of doing the same old thing that they have always done. And then some preferred to sit in quiet superiority over others. At that time I was struggling to stay in ministry because I really have a heart for people who are hurting, yet I could see so much hypocrisy in the church that claimed to care for all, but wanted to put rules and conditions on that ‘loving care’. The church I was attending was better than most for acceptance and tolerance, but I wanted better for the people who walked in the doors. The God I believed in loves all people, regardless of sex, race, colour, sexual preference or identity. But that wasn’t the tune being played in some of the circles I was a part of.

So I sat at the table that reunion night, having delightful discourse with these two women who very obviously loved each other and who, with humour tinged with sadness, made jokes about finding burning crosses in their yard from the people who didn’t agree with their lifestyle. Words meant to bring levity to a serious and scary situation, that made me feel both sick and sad at how f**king needless it was. I literally spent a few weeks agonizing over what to do about church and ministry. The church (read that, uber-religious people) might have said these women were guilty of sin. What I saw were two people very much in love. What of Jesus’ words about loving your neighbour as yourself? He didn’t rule out anyone there. He meant your black neighbour, Muslim neighbour, gay neighbour – all of them. And yet so many in the Christian church feel compelled to judge and point fingers, condemning people while failing to realize two important things. One is that sin is sin and none of us is without it. While you point a finger at others for some sort of sin that maybe you don’t enjoy, there are three are pointing back at you: a reminder that you have faults and make mistakes , so who are you to judge another when you are just as guilty of falling short of the mark? Two is that the law was nailed to the cross, fulfilled in Jesus, and we are no longer under the law which means … quit cherry picking your old testament scriptures to use to beat people up and get on board the love wagon with Jesus and start being a caring, concerned human being instead of a tone-deaf bible thumper.

I don’t go to church often now. Partly for the reasons I’ve mentioned above, and partly because I still suffer PTSD from the cult church I attended almost two decades ago. Sitting in a church on Sunday no more makes you a good Christian than standing in your garage makes you a car. I love people, and my ‘ministry’ now is to make them smile, to offer positive energy and encouragement and hope that my current life can be an example of how to overcome trauma and betrayal to find happiness and fulfillment. My books and blogs have come about in order to reach out to people and show them that there are people who have empathy and compassion in the world, and to hopefully inspire them to live fully, authentically and with much joy.

Back to the image I shared above. I had wrestled with telling my friend and her wife for the past couple of years about how their being true to themselves helped me to change my path to one where I live authentically, happy and fulfilled, and perhaps quite a ways outside the small-minded boxes of religious folks. Today I wrote to them and told them how a chance few hours with them sparked a change in my life for the better. The message I received back from them was heartfelt and moved me to tears.

Instead of all the fighting about who can marry whom or what bathroom a person should use, or what team a person can play on or picking on whatever differences a person may have that you are not familiar with, perhaps we can practice compassion, empathy and try to be more understanding. In case y’all forgot, that’s the golden rule that Jesus talked about.

Getting Back on the Low Carb Wagon

Getting Back on the Low Carb Wagon

Almost everybody complains about how hard it is to lose weight. I get it. Truly, if your head is not fully committed to the idea, you won’t stay on track and you won’t lose. I’m guilty of such things, too. About a year ago I announced my big weight loss after 8 months on a low carb/ketogenic diet. I lost 92 lbs. I was really pleased with myself. Not so pleased about the loose skin I had though. So, I figured that perhaps it was time to maintain and see if some of that loose skin would tighten up. Read maintain = cheat days. The problem with cheat days is that once you open that door, it’s hard to get it closed again! I spent the summer enjoying fries at Albert’s and the occasional ice cream treat. A few pounds snuck back on. Then I was good for a few months, and then Christmas came. The Christmas before, I had shunned all the goodies but last December, I did not. And since that time I have flip flopped between behaving on low carb and delightfully cheating. But, without one’s head in the game, it was a losing battle.

I lied to myself about the number of cheat meals I was having. I then threw caution to the wind and allowed pasta and pastries back for a week or two. I even had some potato chips (but not Cheetos, my absolute kryptonite!). And here’s what happened. Besides the pounds that found their way back to my body, I experienced breathing difficulties and general aches and pains again, likely due to the inflammation in my body from eating too much starch and sugar. And I’ve decided that enough is enough; it’s time to get serious again. Not only to re-lose a few pounds so my summer wardrobe will fit again, but to get those health benefits back! After not suffering with asthma and day to day pains, having them come back was a real kick in the pants. The problem with being an emotional eater is that the temptation to do so will likely never completely go away. Sure, I’ve healed so much emotionally since the dark times of my past, but comfort food is still very much a comfort if I let it be so. My taste buds are connoisseurs of all things sweet, savoury and salty. It was almost shocking how far off the track I allowed them to sway me!

I’m sharing this because I know how hard it can be to get your head in the game. We all make mistakes and poor choices sometimes. Or, as in my case, often! But you have it in you to get serious about taking better care of yourself. I have it in me to do better as well, so that’s where I’m at. The past is past and there’s no sense berating yourself over poor food choices. Promise yourself you’ll try to do better and mean it. Keep meaning it until it becomes a reality!

So, it’s goodbye to ice cream and pizza (aahh, my beloved Riverstone Pizza!) Perhaps we will meet again a long time from now!

Have a great day and remember to believe in yourself! You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for 🙂

Acting Before You Think…

Acting Before You Think…

A novel concept. One that might get us into more trouble, definitely, depending on your level of impulsiveness. But there’s one area where acting before you think might be a good thing, and that’s in the area of compassion.

Let’s say you saw someone on the street, perhaps homeless and hungry, and your first thought was to give them a couple of dollars? But before you get your hand in your pocket, your brain tells you that that is your last $5 till payday and if you give it to that needy person, then you might feel some discomfort by not being able to buy lunch or coffee or whatever. How often have we talked ourselves out of practicing generosity by thinking before we acted? Maybe that homeless person would have appreciated a meal more than you would have appreciated the coffee you would have otherwise bought with the money in your pocket. And just maybe, you might have felt a little more connected to the world and a little bit proud of yourself for thinking of someone else’s welfare ahead of your own for just a moment.

It’s something to think about anyway. If we all acted upon these little impulses driven by compassion, the world might be a little bit better place!

Have a great weekend!

My New Venture

In taking the time to take some stock in my life and see what was working, what was not and what my next steps should be, two things happened:

  1. I stopped producing art videos completely, at least for now. I realized that since art was not my main thrust in life, it didn’t need to have the priority I was giving it, and my family deserved more of my time. Seriously, it was a lot of pressure to come up with new ideas and to take the 2-4 hours once or twice a week not only to film but to edit and produce the videos. The art channel is still live on YouTube and new material will go up again someday. When a fellow artist on Facebook mentioned that she was disappointed that she only had 570 subscribers after three weeks, and I had 57 subscribers after 5 months, it wasn’t hard for me to realize that what I’ve been doing in a saturated market wasn’t working. So, I’ve directed my attention to a new idea …
  2. My new venture being, Get Online! Web Design. I’ve been getting requests to build websites and I’ve done a bunch of web pages over on ShopPetrolia,ca, so I figured I’d branch out from under The Publishing Shop with a business that actually sounds like it does websites, lol! You can see the new website here! I’m still doing publishing and editing, but I wanted a business name that actually had something to do with web design. Got the master’s business license and we are open for business!

I know I talk a lot about balance and following your dreams, and I try to walk the talk. Sometimes dreams and expectations change, and you need to be able to roll with it. As much as I love creating art, I prefer to do it when I’m especially inspired as opposed to, I have to do it because I need to make a video. But web design is especially fun for me because it uses both side of this balanced brain, the logic and the creative, to make something practical and attractive!

So, that’s what I’ve been up to! If you need a website or hosting, hit me up!

Have a beautiful day!