From My Desk

Taking My Own Advice

Taking My Own Advice

One of the last posts I wrote here was on dreaming big, and so, I thought I’d take my own advice. At least, that’s what’s happened in the last month. As I branched out a little further with my website design and maintenance business, adding hosting to it as well, I had a chat with my hubby about it. He, being a local computer technician, noted that many small businesses in our community do not have a website. It then occurred to me that perhaps I could be of service. My plan for a community based website, a one-stop website for our quaint little town, was born. And instead of just dreaming about it, I obtained the domain name, built the website and just spent a small fortune on direct mailers to the businesses in town. And then a friend of mine in media advertising offered to help get the word out a little later when I have more people signed up to the website.

I love our little town and I hope this website serves them well! I’m pouring my heart into it because I know we will all benefit if it does well. It’s kinda scary putting yourself out there but nothing ventured, nothing gained. So as the mailers get delivered, I hope people will see my vision and get on board. I’m dreaming big enough for a whole town these days!

So often, we put aside great ideas because of the risk of failure. What if I do this and I lose money? What if I do this and people gossip about me? What if I do this and then I have to be accountable for it? It’s amazing how fear filled thoughts can paralyze us. So today, I urge you to put feet to your dreams and big ideas. Even little steps today can make for big changes down the road. Today is a great day to seize the day!

Want a look at my idea? Check out this link!

You Don’t Know Until You Try

You Don’t Know Until You Try

So, a much more timid version of me decided five years ago that if I was ever going to be a writer, well, I needed to start writing. I got myself a free blog over on and I wrote stuff. At least, I did when the website would let me in! I wrote stuff a lot of people never got to see, but I was honing my skills, day by day. And now, in less than a month, it will be the 4th anniversary of my first website,, my blog that has morphed over the years from a hodge podge of articles about my life to now being a more political, deep thinking kind of place. And in the years between then and now, a few other websites have come and gone, like, and They served their purposes and then I put them away. It has been just over 3 years since my first published book, and I’ve published 4 more since. All under pseudonyms, all a bit radical in their own way, and this year I plan to publish my first book under my own name. I just have to find the time to finish writing it!

And while I’m doing that, I’ve got The Publishing Shop branching out into website design and hosting, Indigo Bohemian Art Studio has both a YouTube channel and a website to maintain and then there’s this site here on which to tell you all about all of it, lol. I am busy, but I am happy and fulfilled! If you’d asked me 5 years ago where I would be right now, I probably would have said ‘on the couch!’. But here I am, working towards the things that I would love to turn into full-time work at some point. Then, for me, it will feel mostly like full-time play!

I’m not saying you should try to monetize your hobbies. That’s not for everybody. Sometimes it kills the love you have of the things you are doing. It is perfectly okay to enjoy your hobbies just as hobbies. But if you want to turn them into an income stream and you’re willing to hustle for a bit to get things off the ground, do you think you could do it? My answer to that now is, YES I CAN!

Take it from someone who sat on the sidelines of life for far too many years. Years I try not to regret, but rather reframe them as the necessary foundation to getting where I am now. Dear One, if you have an inkling that you’d like to try your hand at a new endeavor, a new business, or anything that’s new and exciting and maybe even a little scary for you, my advice is to go for it. No one will do it for you. And….You will never know until you try!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is Valentine’s Day. That day when flowers, chocolates and steak dinners cost a whole lot more than they do most any other day of the year! It’s the day we set aside to commemorate love and romance in our lives. The day we hope that someone will show us a little love or attention! I’m all for a day dedicated to love and romance and sweet things, but if you’re in a romantic relationship, I do think there needs to be more consistent effort than a big show just once a year!

My husband and I try to make every day special for each other. We are almost always quite kind and we rarely take our grumpiness out on one another (that would be me if that should even happen, as he is the most even-tempered individual I have ever met!) That means considering the other’s preferences, and being willing to serve one another. We try to split the workload at home, although he admits that I probably do more than he does. But he makes our breakfast and all our coffee that we have together, so I’m kind of spoiled that way. In the summer, he cooks on the bbq almost nightly, while in the cold seasons, I do most of the cooking. On weekends, we often work alongside one another in the kitchen for meal prep, or go our separate ways in the house for an hour on a Sunday to tackle the housework. We are best friends, have similar senses of humour and we actually like to spend time together. Most days with us feel a lot like Valentine’s Day, because we try to make the other feel special on a daily basis. We show appreciation for what the other one does. We hold hands all the time, whether out in public or sitting side by side on the couch watching tv. He runs outside and starts my car on chilly mornings so it’s warm when I leave for work. I make sure he’s always got clean clothes for work, and try to keep him laughing with my unorthodox blend of adorable horrible humour! We encourage each other in the hobbies and activities we enjoy, even if it’s something the other one doesn’t participate in, recognizing that people need their own time to unwind, be creative. and feed their soul. For me, it’s artsy things and for him, he lives for tech! I do think the secret to a great relationship is not taking it for granted, and making just a little extra effort to let the other feel special every day. That, and showing appreciation for the fact that someone was very thoughtful towards you.

It’s really the little things that mean a lot, more so than the grandiose gestures that the media urges us to carry out on this special day. So if your sweetie is spoiling you rotten today, enjoy! But do remember, you can make every day with your love special with just a little consideration and creativity on your part!

Happy Valentine’s Day! ♥

Just One Decision…

Just One Decision…

Sometimes, life is messy. We might have problems because of finances, relationships, work situations etc. But it’s OK to just take it one day at a time, if that’s all you can deal with. Go hour by hour if you have to. While you’re doing your best to get through the mess, remember that you are not your problems. You are not what has happened to you. Your past cannot dictate your future if you don’t let it. Dear one, you are made of stardust and are the culmination of the hundreds of generations that came before you. You are the result of a thousand loves. As a human being, you have the capacity for great tenacity, great strength, and great love. And, at any given moment, you can change your mind about how you will deal, how you will frame your journey, how you will think about yourself. It can all change with just one decision that you are ready for change, open to change, and are willing to be the change!

Yes, you can change your mind about what you will believe about yourself and about your life and thus start the process of building a better one, if that is what you want and need. I’ll be honest, it’s going to be some work, but dear one, you are worth the effort to become the person you want to be and to have the life that you want to live. The fact that you can dream about better days tells me that you have it in you to make them happen. If the vision is there, there is also hope, meaning you have something to hold on to when the going gets tough. You may not yet know the strength you have inside to make these things come to pass, but trust my words, it is there and you may well amaze yourself if you step out of your comfort zone and believe in yourself, your abilities and the possibilities of great things.

Every day can be a new beginning if you want it to be. Change is hard but it’s really just one determined decision away.