From My Desk

A Little Rebranding on YouTube

A Little Rebranding on YouTube

It was a huge step to put myself out there and start a YouTube channel for my art. It’s been a learning curve and it’s also been an awful lot of fun!

I’m still learning what people want to see, and I’m getting more comfortable in front of the camera so I thought I’d do a little rebranding that reflects my personality as well as the flavour of my videos on YouTube. So, I did 15 new video intros that are kind of cute and I just finished my new channel trailer today. It’s now uploaded, and if you care to have a look, here it is below!

Introducing my new and improved channel trailer!

Have an awesome day, peeps!

Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections

So, this past week I was sick at home with a cold. Or more accurately, a feverish phlegmfest. It kicked my butt! For the better part of 5 days I didn’t do much besides sleep or stay curled up under a blanket wherever I was. It was dreadful not being able to do the things I love, and always needing sleep or a Kleenex. But it was a sharp reminder that a person needs to take time for self-care. Lately, I’ve been positively driven trying to keep up with my YouTube channel, my four websites, my day job, making art that I don’t video and doing some publishing business as well. All that plus keeping house, doing laundry, hanging with my family and looking after my mom. It’s a lot and I wasn’t keeping a good work/life balance. I knew I wasn’t, too. I’ll take a break soon, I said to myself. Well, this cold made sure of that!

So, despite having a much improved immune system than I did in previous years, I let myself get run down to the point that this nasty little cold bug took hold. And since I didn’t get the rest I needed to stay healthy, well, this cold sure made me take to my bed and rest … a lot! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about all the things on my plate; I am having a blast doing all this stuff and I’m really enjoying the learning curves and the creative outlets. Being one of those balanced-brain types, I’m equally at home as a creative as I am over in ‘logic land’. But even though I’ve been enjoying my busyness, this was a clear reminder that late nights, early mornings and questionable food choices will eventually lead to being sidelined with a cold bug or other sickness. I hope I’ve learned my lesson ( I haven’t done any art or writing for nearly a week!) and will go on to practice more moderation in life. Sometimes it sucks not being Superwoman, lol!

Today’s takeaway – find things you love to do and do them, but remember to practice proper self-care by getting rest, eating well and taking time to unwind. Have a happy weekend folks!

Are You Your Brother’s Keeper?

Are You Your Brother’s Keeper?

The strong one. We all know someone we would describe that way. They are often the one we turn to when the chips are down. That person we can count on for a hug, a word of encouragement, or for some common sense advice. That person who will come alongside you when you need someone, regardless of what they are going through. The ones who make life look relatively easy regardless of how much is on their plates. But what other people may not realize is, sometimes the strong one needs someone to check up on them. Sometimes they are bearing heavier burdens than you know, and despite their broad shoulders, they may be struggling. They probably won’t tell you though, that’s just their way. Yet, when one of these strong ones loses their fight to the dark side of mental health, we are shocked and dismayed to think that the one we thought could withstand anything, the one who could smile in the face of adversity, is no more. And when this happens, there are those who feel guilty because they did not see it coming. Our lives are so fast-paced and busy that sometimes, it is really easy to take our friends and family for granted.

In this day and age, where many of our connections and communications are technology-based instead of face to face, it makes it easier for people to be able to slip between the cracks or to fade away. So, where you can, don’t make it easy for that to happen to someone else. Ask both the struggling ones and the strong ones how they are doing, don’t just assume that they are ok. I guess I’m encouraging you to be your brother’s keeper. Not in a controlling way, but to be sensitive to the plight of others and the possible magnitude of their unseen battles. To really mean it when you ask someone if they’re ok. And to be willing to be inconvenienced a little if someone needs to talk and unburden themselves. Maybe we could all be a little more far-sighted, kind, empathetic and considerate. Maybe if we are, perhaps there will be fewer mental health crises for those whom we deem as ‘the strong ones’.

It’s something to think about.