From My Desk

On Accomplishing More in Life…

On Accomplishing More in Life…

Someone once said to me, “Don’t you wish you had accomplished more with your life?” I was 30 at the time, a stay-at-home mom doing some music ministry on the side, pouring my heart and soul into raising three kids. Mind you, this person was a man, a man who was working his way up the corporate ladder, trying to make it big in life. He’d been to college and had sacrificed time with his family for overtime at work. He was a manager. And when he looked at me, all he seemed to see was the mom I was, and nothing more.

I was doing my best to raise my kids well. I cooked, cleaned, disciplined, mentored and taught life lessons to them. I was also their chauffeur, housekeeper, manager of schedules, the coordinator of social events and doctor’s appointments. I wore many hats, but most of what I did was behind the scenes. I got behind these kids and did my best for them.

Now, when time and opportunity arose, I got behind some other people and helped them towards their aspirations as well. In church, I later became a deaconess, a music minister and the church librarian. It felt good to be a part of something, helping the church to grow. A little later yet, I became the praise and worship leader at a different church and the secretary/treasurer of the local chapter of a Canadian charity. Although I was volunteering my time in these positions, I was getting behind the vision of each of these entities to further their causes. Still, I felt this other person didn’t see these as accomplishments at all. No pay meant no real value to my contributions, apparently. About this time, I decided to quit allowing others to weigh in on my life without my permission. Because if they couldn’t say something nice or uplifting, why should they have my time and attention? Honestly, some of us can really use to lovingly put the toxic ones in our lives out to the fringes. Life can be challenging enough at times and we don’t need the naysayers trying to dim the light inside us.

When you start believing in yourself, there truly is no limit to what you can accomplish. When I turfed the naysayers out to the curb, and listened to myself and those who were my staunchest cheerleaders, life certainly turned around. It did not happen overnight; it came in baby steps over quite a few years. I went back to school at 38. I was then a single mother to my kids, and I went to college at night to earn a trade certificate, as an honours student. In my 40’s, I wanted to cultivate my love of writing, and started a blog in order to have a daily writing practice. With the blog, I also stuck out a steep learning curve and now know how to design and maintain websites. Though under pseudonyms, I have written and self-published 5 books. Then, when a chance encounter brought me to another soul with a dream of publishing, my publishing business was born. My love of art and learning new artistic techniques grew into Indigo Bohemian Art Studio and the website where I showcase and sell my art. And more recently, I challenged my fear of public speaking and being on camera to develop my YouTube art channel. It’s only been a couple of months, but it’s growing! And lastly, in the last 18 months, I have converted to a ketogenic diet and was able to lose nearly 100 lbs. I have my health and vigor back, with more energy to do the things I want to do. I once thought of myself as a huge failure, thanks to the negativity I allowed in my life. But I am proof that you can reframe your journey, believe in yourself, set goals and ultimately achieve them. You can do the hard things, the scary things, if you just dig deep and try. Are you ready to fan the fire in your heart?

I know that to some, that last paragraph might have come across as a wee bit self-promoting, and maybe it was, but I hope you can see what I’m trying to get across to you, dear reader. I once lived well below my potential and then, I was involved in actively building other people’s dreams and visions. These days, I’m striving to push the limits of what is possible for me. Well Dawn, just who do you think YOU are? Honestly, I am no one special in the grand scheme of the universe. I’m just Dawn, a woman who, in middle age, decided that life could be so more than what it was. And if you have dreams and visions of what your life could possibly be, what are you waiting for? You can accomplish most anything if you can get your head in the game! For some of us, that might mean starting with just finding a place of acceptance for ourselves, within ourselves. Take baby steps if that is all you can manage. Just keep moving forward with it. It doesn’t matter where you’re starting in life, high or low, young or old, if you have a dream, set it in motion. My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner. But I am trying to make the best and the most of what time I have left!

And to the one who had said, “Don’t you wish you had accomplished more with your life?” Here are a few lines from one of my favourite Toby Keith songs.

“How do you like me now,
Now that I’m on my way?”

Oh, that seems just a little petty, doesn’t it? Oh my!

Sorry, not sorry. *grins*

Dear reader, don’t misunderstand, I have worked hard to get to this place that I now enjoy and part of my mission in life is to inspire and encourage others to be all they want to be. So this isn’t a solo journey; I’m trying to blaze a trail so others might also find the way to successfully living their dreams, whatever they may be ♥

On Tooting Your Own Horn

On Tooting Your Own Horn

As children, we were taught not to brag. If you were shy or demure, it’s not like bragging would be a part of your everyday charm anyway. I get that no one wants to hear you if your attitude is one of being ‘one-up’ on someone else. That is belittling and often degrading. But when you are working towards your dreams and passions, sometimes you need to toot your own horn a little.

It can be scary putting yourself out there and letting others in on your dream. That’s your baby, you don’t want people criticizing and pooh-poohing your ideas and endeavors. But I hope you have a tribe of supportive and lovely people in your corner. You can let these ones know what you’re doing. Invite their opinions and maybe ask if they would share your work with others to help get the word out. It’s part of the work needed to get you and your dream where you want to be. And when your confidence begins to build, share more widely and freely. Because frankly, people are going to criticize and judge regardless of what you’re doing. It’s human nature and we do seem to enjoy such petty things at times. So you may as well be criticized for following and achieving your dreams since you’ll discover sometimes that people are going to be finding fault with you anyway. The satisfaction comes in doing what you love and finding whatever measure of success you were reaching for, whether it’s fame and fortune or just to brighten your little corner of the world.

Aim high and if you miss the moon, at least you’ll land in the stars. You have no idea what is possible for you until you try!

Appreciate the Little Things

Appreciate the Little Things

We all get bogged down with life sometimes. Sometimes we’re just busy. Sometimes we’re just not in a good mood or headspace. And sometimes we are in a rut where nothing has been going right for days or weeks and it’s getting harder to get yourself out of bed in the morning. This is where we need to stop for a moment to realize that despite the suckiness that life is handing out at times that 1) it will not last forever and 2) if you look hard enough, you will find something to be grateful for or even smile about.

Maybe the barista at the coffee shop remembered your name and your order today. Maybe the kids left you alone long enough to finish reading your email. Perhaps you pulled an old coat out of the closet and found $10 in the pocket. Maybe your partner gave you a hug that lasted a few seconds longer than normal and it just felt really nice. I could go on, but I think you get my drift. There is always something to be thankful for or to appreciate in your life, even when the chips are down. Finding an optimistic moment in the middle of a dark day is something we can all do if we try. And if you can feel a little gratitude for the little things, it makes the day just a little bit brighter.

Thank You for Showing Up!

Thank You for Showing Up!

Today, I want to applaud you for showing up! No, not here on the website, but showing up for life. I know some of you are struggling. It took a lot of strength and bravery to get out of bed and go on with life when maybe you don’t know how you’re going to keep on doing it. It’s ok. Just keep doing it. It will get better!

For some of you, thank you for showing up to the job you hate or for staying another day in a marriage that you think is dead. You could have run from your responsibilities, but you didn’t. But instead of continuing to plod through a life you don’t love, let alone like, gather your courage to make the changes you need to have the great life you want. Change your job if that’s what fills you with dread every time you wake up in the morning. Fix your marriage if you still have love in your heart. Speak up where you need to. Make amends. Or walk away if that is what is best if you can’t reconcile and be happy together. Either way, it will require some work. Life isn’t about just putting in time until you die. It truly is a wondrous gift and when you realize there isn’t as much time left as you’ve already spent here, it can be a real motivator to make the most of the time you have left. Life can be so much more than just the same old, same old everyday. But sometimes, you have to really push yourself to get to where you want to be. You can do this. It might be hard, but it will be worth it in the end. I’m not talking just about making your life ‘feel good’ happy. I’m talking about fulfillment, purpose and a reason to get up in the morning that energizes you – these things that lead to being a happier you. It won’t fall in your lap. But you can seize the day and make it happen! Learn to be true to yourself. When you can do that, you will attract the right people in your life to help you on your journey. The ones that will love you for who you really are, because you will finally be living as your authentic self.

For others, thank you for persevering when it seems like things aren’t moving your way despite your efforts. You have a dream and you don’t know how you will make it come to pass but you are trying and trying. Thank you for sticking with it. Consistency is the key to success. So keep doing what you’re doing. Consider new ideas to help launch yourself to where you wish to be. If you’re like me, you’ve spent a lot of time in your life helping others achieve their goals and dreams while yours waited on the sidelines. This can be your year! Just keep at it. And if you haven’t started, get to it!

If your life isn’t what you want it to be, only you can make the decision to change that. It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from, be it the top or at rock bottom. It starts with your decision, some courage and some hope to hang onto that keeps your dream, no matter how big or small, alive.