Tag: you are worth it

Just One Decision…

Just One Decision…

Sometimes, life is messy. We might have problems because of finances, relationships, work situations etc. But it’s OK to just take it one day at a time, if that’s all you can deal with. Go hour by hour if you have to. While you’re doing your best to get through the mess, remember that you are not your problems. You are not what has happened to you. Your past cannot dictate your future if you don’t let it. Dear one, you are made of stardust and are the culmination of the hundreds of generations that came before you. You are the result of a thousand loves. As a human being, you have the capacity for great tenacity, great strength, and great love. And, at any given moment, you can change your mind about how you will deal, how you will frame your journey, how you will think about yourself. It can all change with just one decision that you are ready for change, open to change, and are willing to be the change!

Yes, you can change your mind about what you will believe about yourself and about your life and thus start the process of building a better one, if that is what you want and need. I’ll be honest, it’s going to be some work, but dear one, you are worth the effort to become the person you want to be and to have the life that you want to live. The fact that you can dream about better days tells me that you have it in you to make them happen. If the vision is there, there is also hope, meaning you have something to hold on to when the going gets tough. You may not yet know the strength you have inside to make these things come to pass, but trust my words, it is there and you may well amaze yourself if you step out of your comfort zone and believe in yourself, your abilities and the possibilities of great things.

Every day can be a new beginning if you want it to be. Change is hard but it’s really just one determined decision away.